Explore Virunga National Park wildlife : Virunga national park is one of the protected area with a diverse array of wildlife, the park is located in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Goma district. Virunga national park is one oldest national park in Africa and one of the UNESCO world heritage site which as gazetted in 1925 with the purpose of protecting the wildlife in their naturel habitants. The park covers an area of approximately 8,090 square kilometers, bordering with Rwanda and Uganda. The park holds one of the third of the world’s remaining populations of the mountain gorillas as well as a home to a thousands of wildlife species including birds and other mammal species. Besides the famous gorillas, the park is also a home to the most thrilling chimpanzees

The park is a home of the most captivating mountains such as Mount Nyiragongo, mount Nyamuragira and mount Mikeno with mount Nyiragongo being the most magnificent volcano holding the world’s largest larva. Virunga national park is a home to 8 habituated gorilla group such as Kabirizi group, Humba group, Rugendo group, Mapuwa group, Lulengo group, Munyanga group and Bageni group. This article present to the guide of the wildlife species that can be seen while in a Congo safari in Virunga national park.

Endangered mountain gorillas that can be seen on the different slopes of Virunga Mountains. Encountering with this majestic creatures involves hiking different Virunga Mountains in volcanoes national park that is mountain Muhabura, Mountain Sabyinyo, Mountain Karisimbi, Mountain Bisoke and mountain Gahinga to access different gorilla species which can be found on the slopes of these mountains most especially in the bamboo trees because they use bamboo as food. Trekking through the dense forest to find a gorilla family in their natural habitat is not only thrilling but also incredibly rewarding activity which gives you the remarkable and lifetime adventure, while on a gorilla hike, you will get to see other primates species that dwell in the Virunga mountains  like the different monkey species such as red tailed monkeys, Mona monkeys, vervet monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys among other monkey species where you can also see a number of golden monkeys as well as different bird species

Habituated mountain gorillas

Virunga national park holds a third of the world’s remaining population of the mountain gorillas. Encountering with this majestic habituated mountain gorillas involve walking through the dense tropical rainforest in search for this fascinating creatures in the communities. Virunga National Park is home to over 8 habituated gorilla groups were visitors can easily walk in to trek them such a Kabirizi group, Humba group, Rugendo group, Mapuwa group, Lulengo group, Munyanga group and Bageni group. Trekking through the dense forest to search for a gorilla family in their natural habitat is not only thrilling but also incredibly rewarding activity which gives you the remarkable and lifetime adventure, while on a gorilla hike, you will get to see other primates species that live in the Virunga mountains and forests like the different monkey species such chimpanzees, the Congo buffaloes, rhinos, forest elephants as well as different thrilling bird species many more..

Habituated chimpanzees

Explore Virunga National Park wildlife

In additions to the famous mountain gorillas, Virunga national park has currently opened opportunities for visitors on Congo wildlife safari with the chance to see the chimpanzees. Trekking the chimpanzees in Virunga national park offers visitors with the chance to hunt this chimpanzees in their naturel habituated groups. Trekking this fascinating creatures in Virunga national park starts early in the morning just like in any activity in the park with a briefing about the guidance rules and regulations on how to behave while in the jungles in search for this fascinating chimpanzees. While exploring the forest on the lower slopes of Mikeno volcano, visitors can also meet with other stunning features such as birds, mammals as also colorful plants. Upon meeting with the chimps in their group, travelers are only allowed to interact with them for only one hour while keeping eyes observing how they carry out their daily activities such as carrying their young once, breastfeeding, playing among others


Virunga national park is also a home to a diverse array of mammal species, the park house over 220 mammal species which can be seen while in Congo safari such mammals includes, African elephants, lions, hippos, topi, Uganda Kobs and warthogs, hyenas, leopards, there are also some rare mammal species such as Congo buffaloes, red river hog, giant tree pangolin, bongo and forest giraffes. The perfect destination to spot their thrilling mammals in Virunga National Park is in the central Lulimbi sector where the savannah plains and the grasslands attracts the mammal being.


Virunga national park is known as paradise for bird watching, it’s a home to over 709 different species of birds with over 24 endemic to the region, during  Congo birding tour in Virunga national park , you will have an opportunity to see more of the different kinds of birds such as Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, European Bee-eater, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Blue-breasted Bee-eater, Purple-breasted Sunbird, Bronzy Sunbird, Malachite Sunbird, Scarlet-tufted Sunbird, Olive-bellied Sunbird, Ruwenzori Double-collared Sunbird, Northern Double-collared Sunbird, Woolly-necked Stork, European White Stork, Saddle-bill Stork, Great White Pelican, Pink-backed Pelican, Regal Sunbird, Little Bee-eater, Lilac-breasted Roller, European Roller, Broad-billed Roller, African Pygmy Kingfisher, African Malachite Kingfisher, Pied Kingfisher, Grey-headed Kingfisher, Striped Kingfisher, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, Woodland Kingfisher, Lesser Kestrel, Tambourine Dove, Namaqua Dove, Swamp Nightjar, Mozambique Nightjar, Standard-winged Nightjar, Pennant-winged Nightjar, Mottled Spinetailed Swift, papyrus yellow warbler, Rockefeller’s sunbird and Nectarinia Rockefeller found in the bamboo among others

When to visit Virunga national park for wildlife viewing

The drier months spanning from June to September and December to February are the perfect time to go for wildlife viewing in Virunga national park because they are characterized by little or no rainfall which makes the trekking and hiking trails less slippery, the vegetation in the park is short giving clear views of the park animals, and the roads leading to the park are passable.

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